
We continue with the check-up days as part of the 'Mirem per tu' programme


As part of the eye check-up days that we organise each month, February  was the turn of INTRESS, one of the beneficiary organisations of ‘Mirem per tu’, the programme through which the Barraquer Foundation provides ophthalmological and optometric help for the most vulnerable collectives.

INTERESS is a not-for-profit organisation founded in 1984 that promotes social transformation towards greater justice and equality. It is currently developing almost 170 social projects that look after more than 34,000 users across the country every year. 


Last Wednesday a team from Barraquer Foundation team went to organisation's headquarters to undertake comprehensive eye check-ups on its users. A total of 18 children, young people and adults were seen to, 5 of whom were referred to General Óptica for a more exhaustive eye check-up, to determine their exact prescription and to get them glasses that would help them to solve their vision issues; another 3 people with possible eye conditions will visit a Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre specialist who will assess the right treatment in each case

We’d like to extend a special thanks to Dr. Victor Lázaro and Dr. Daniel Casado, residents at the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre, and Georgia García, optometrist at the General Óptica store on Rambla Cataluña for their selfless collaboration. Plus, we’d like to highlight the care, kindness and professionalism of our colleagues at INTRESS, who made this job so much easier.  

Our next stop will be the Trinijove Foundation on 24 March. We’ll keep you up to date.
