What are dark circles?

Dark circles are a depression produced under the lower eyelid and may be accompanied by a dark coloration. This condition of the face is a challenge for aesthetic medicine professionals and a great concern for the patient, who perceives an aging effect due to the tired, sad and even grumpy appearance that dark circles bring.

Dark circles have a great impact on the eye contour, the area that has the thinnest skin on our entire body and ages fastest. For this reason, it is not surprising that dark circles are one of the main reasons for aesthetic discomfort, since the eyes are the reflection of our personality and dark circles darken the look.

Types of dark circles

In choosing the most appropriate treatment for each patient, it is essential to distinguish what type of dark circles we are dealing with:

  • Pigmented dark circles are brown or black. This condition, technically called idiopathic hyperchromia of the orbital ring is caused by excessive production of melanin in the skin of the eyelids, for congenital or acquired reasons.
  • Vascular dark circles are those that are blue, pink or purple in color. Its origin is a weak microcirculation of the eye contour that causes thinning and laxity of the skin. These dark circles are more evident in people with fine and fair skin.
  • Indented dark circles are structured, marked by a groove from the tear duct to the cheek region and can take on various shades. They are accompanied by a loss of intraorbital volume and occur when cheek fat decreases due to gravity and the passing of time, creating an under-eye contour depression also known as eye bags.

Why do dark circles appear?

Dark circles are due to a loss of volume under the eyes, in the area between the lower eyelid and the cheekbone, and often also present a bluish, greyish or purple darkening. The skin often dries out, becoming thinner and more fragile with age. As a result, dark circles become more hollow and noticeable as time goes by, mainly due to the following causes:

  • Genetics: hereditary factors and skin pigmentation play the most important role in the appearance of dark circles and this maybe the most difficult cause to address.
  • Age: the loss of fatty tissue and the thinning of the skin around the eyes are part of the aging process and favour the appeareance of dark circles.
  • Lack of sleep: fatigue and stress are another major cause of this aesthetic condition, changing the coloration of the lower eyelid due to the dilation of the blood vessels. Dark circles with this origin are short-lived and easier to remedy.
  • Consumption of tobacco, alcohol or excessive caffeine: nicotine and other toxic substances alter the synthesis of collagen and elastin, responsible for providing firmness to the skin.
  • Hormonal changes: in conditions of hormonal change, such as pregnancy, lactation or menstruation, the body increases the production of melanin, producing hyperpigmentation of the skin and increasing the risk of the dreaded dark circles appearing.
  • Unhealthy diet: not eating properly, as well as a lack of hydration, cause less oxygenation in the blood that damages all the tissues of the body, causing thinning of the skin and a deteriorated appearance.
  • Overexposure to the sun: sunbathing for prolonged periods and without protection causes the eye contour to deteriorate, accelerating aging and favouring the appearance of dark circles but also wrinkles and spots.
  • Stress: anxiety and fatigue affect the functioning of the entire organism and is another major cause of this aesthetic condition.

How long do the effects of the treatment last?

In general, the effects of HA can be maintained for up to 12 months, the benefits of mesotherapy can last from 1 to 3 months, while those of revitalizing peels can last up to 30 days. With all of them, immediate results are usually observed after the first session and these are enhanced with the use of a personalized medical cosmetic routine for the patient, as well as healthy lifestyle habits.

Which professional should treat my dark circles?

Dark circles are one of the most challenging conditions for aesthetic professionals due to the area in which they are located. The approach to these sunken depressions is extremely delicate due to the high vascularity of the ocular contour, the presence of nervous elements, the fragility and thinness of the skin in the area, as well as its proximity to such important structures as the eyes.

The success of the treatment does not depend solely on the products used or the patient; also of the medical professional who performs it, so it is crucial to go to medical centers with a recognized track record for greater safety, thus avoiding risks and adverse effects.

Trust your look to the specialist that knows best.


In this sense, the participation of ophthalmologists specialized in the ocular orbit as well as in oculofacial aesthetic medicine supposes a great added value and an extra contribution of guarantees for the patient in carrying out any treatment of dark circles as well as any other condition in the periocular area.

Treatment for dark circles

These unsightly marks on the face often disappear with a good rest and a healthy lifestyle. However, there are many men and women who continue to have them even though they change their habits and use various cosmetics, which is why aesthetic medical treatments without surgery stand as the definitive treatment to eliminate any type of dark circles:

Professionals who treat this pathology

Frequently asked questions

  • Si bien no se puede evitar completamente la aparición de ojeras, hay medidas que puedes tomar para reducir su apariencia y prevenir su empeoramiento: tener un descanso adecuado, mantener una buena hidratación o proteger tu piel de la exposición al sol son algunas de ellas.

  • Las ojeras no siempre son permanentes, pero en algunos casos pueden ser persistentes. Dependerá de la causa subyacente de las ojeras y de cómo se aborden. Con los cuidados adecuados de la piel y cambios en el estilo de vida, es posible reducir su apariencia y hacerlas menos prominentes.
