Mutual insurance companies and insurers

Our Centre has partnership agreements with the main national mutual insurance companies and insurers. Since there are many types of policies and insurances, we recommend that you consult the cover taken out with the corresponding organisation.

  • Adeslas
  • asisa
  • Axa
  • Caser
  • Cigna
  • Cosalud
  • Generali
  • Hermandad Nacional de Arquitectos – Corporate services
  • Hermandad Nacional de Arquitectos
  • EGARSAT - Mutua de trabajo
  • Legálitas Salud
  • Mapfre
  • Montepío de Conductors de Girona
  • Mútua personal de la Caixa
  • Mutuacat
  • Nationale Nederlanden
  • Nueva Mutua Sanitaria
  • Sanitas
