
Due to its proven rejuvenating properties, hyaluronic acid (HA) is utilized in various medical specialties. In aesthetic medicine, it is primarily employed as a dermal filler in most mobile areas for a wide range of treatments:

  • Smoothing wrinkles (forehead lines, glabellar lines or frown lines, crow's feet, lower eyelid wrinkles, perioral wrinkles...)
  • Diminishing darkening of under-eye circles or idiopathic hyperchromia of the orbital ring.
  • Reducing bags under the eyes, so much so that the treatment is commonly known as non-surgical blepharoplasty.
  • Filling the temporal fossa.
  • Augmenting cheekbones.
  • Sculpting the cheeks.
  • Hydrating, shaping, and adding volume to the lips.
  • Filling nasolabial folds or smile lines.
  • Non-surgical rhinoplasty, moulding deformities and irregularities in the nose profile to refine and harmonize it with the rest of the face.
  • Filling barcode lines.
  • Marking the jawline.
  • Non-surgical chin correction.
  • Reducing necklines.
  • Minimizing facial sagging, improving its elasticity and hydration.

Hyaluronic acid filler treatment is a safe option that delivers natural results while preserving facial dynamism, making it one of the most sought-after assets in the beauty industry.

Dr. Sandra Planella, Ophthalmologist at the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre
