Presbyopia: symptoms and surgical treatments for correction
Presbyopia is a refractive defect that is due to the gradual loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens. This natural lens allows the eye to focus on objects at different distances, a process known as accommodation.
Over the years, the lens progressively loses its natural elasticity and becomes more rigid, therefore less flexible. This progressive loss of accommodation capacity generally appears after the age of 40 and evolves over time.
What are its symptoms?
The combination of these symptoms leads to visual fatigue.
Presbyopia cannot be prevented because it is linked to the natural aging process of the eye. It is important to have periodic eye check-ups starting at the age of 40, as this is when symptoms typically begin to appear.
Todos sufriremos la aparición de la presbicia o vista cansada a partir de los 40 años. Aunque su progresión suele resultar incómoda, actualmente disponemos de un amplio abanico terapéutico para que el paciente pueda afrontar esta etapa sin renunciar a su calidad de vida. ¿Qué es la presbicia? ¿Cómo es su tratamiento? ¿De verdad vale la pena operarse? Despejamos todas las dudas.