What is it?

People who have difficulties getting along in the daily life because of issues with their eyesight and whose limitation can not be resolved by ophthalmic nor optical means are considered to have low vision. The increase in life expectancy has led to the appearance of common visual conditions at a very advanced age.

The most common conditions are macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. It is calculated that more than 2 million people suffer from low vision in Spain, a minority of which have received professional care. More than 80% of patients have a part of their vision that can be taken advantage of and strengthened so that they can carry out daily activities in an autonomous and independent way.


There is no cure for low vision, but it is possible to take advantage of the areas of the retina that are in a better condition and find solutions to strengthen them, so that patients can do daily activities in an autonomous and independent way.  


A complete eye examination at a low vision centre is used to draw up a personalised rehabilitation programme which complements the prescription of technical aids that provide the necessary increase in vision for each case. Training sessions on the use of certain appartuses are provided, for example, how to hold a magnifying glass, a portable electronic magnifying glass or how to focus a telescope (using the Galileo system), the ideal lighting for each daily activity using lenses with filters to control glares (polarised, CPF or FCD). 

The patient is trained to recognise money and items of clothing, personal care, risk-free cooking, etc. And how to manage on public transport, cross the road safely and move aound with a walking stick. Psychological help is important and relies on lessons and personalised therapy.

Professionals who treat this pathology
